Meisenholder: City of Pendleton needs transportation plan input

On Wednesday, Feb. 10, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Pendleton Convention Center, the city of Pendleton and our consultant are holding an open house to allow for public review and input on our efforts thus far of our transportation plan update. 

The areas we are focusing on identifying are future pedestrian, bicycle and transit improvements to make for a better Pendleton. We recognize that we have funding issues related to our street system and will continue to work on that important issue. We also recognize that we have to plan for our future; whereby we identify and prioritize projects that benefit the community so when funding is available, we can secure funding and implement the projects.

The goal of the open house is for the public to help us prioritize changes that can be made to the city’s pedestrian, bicycle and transit infrastructure. Whether we focus on strengthening our local and regional transportation network (think Kayak and Let’er Bus) or add sidewalks to areas that are currently lacking — such as near schools, so children can walk in safe and protected paths. We are also defining future off-system pathways for bikes and pedestrians using the existing levee system as a backbone, with connectivity to Grecian Heights Park up Tutuilla Creek, Community Park up McKay Creek, and along the Umatilla River to the mouth of Birch Creek.

This plan update is meant to identify improvements and the open house will give people an opportunity to learn more about what this update is about: the changes that may occur, the areas we’re focusing on, and prioritizing these potential future projects.

I ask that you come, show your support, voice your concerns, ask questions, and, most importantly, be involved in this process to help create the vision for making Pendleton a more livable place for all members of our community. The more public involvement we get in this process, the better the outcome will be. That’s because we are working on behalf of our citizens and the improvements we make should benefit the community as whole, identified by the city and prioritized with help from the citizens. So please come Wednesday. The open house is in west rooms 1 and 2 of the Convention Center.

Haley Meisenholder

RARE intern


Originally Published in East Oregonian
211 S.E. Byers Ave.
Pendleton, OR 97801

Phone: 800-522-0255