Michael Hoch
County: Jackson
Meet Michael Hoch:
Michael completed his undergraduate studies in Economics at the University of Oregon and his graduate studies in Economics with Reference to Environment and Development from SOAS, University of London. He loves spending time in the outdoors backpacking, hiking, kayaking and fishing. Michael is also active with non-profits and volunteer efforts around the state and is ready to bring his skills to RARE.
Community and Organization:
The City of Talent, south of Medford about halfway between Phoenix and Ashland at the southern end of the Rogue River Valley, was settled in the 1850s and incorporated in 1910. An agriculturally based community for the much of its existence, Talent has experienced dramatic residential development over the past two decades. Using either the bustling interstate, public transportation, or the Bear Creek Greenway multiuse path, the City of Talent is within driving or even biking/walking distance of the nearby Siskiyou and Cascade Mountain Ranges, the bustling restaurants, shops, and cultural sites of Medford or Ashland, and the Rogue Valley’s wineries and vineyards.
As the Energy Efficiency Coordinator, Michael Hoch will lead efforts around energy conservation, efficiency, education and development. This includes the development and implementation of educational resources and targeted outreach/informational events on energy conservation, efficiency, and the use of renewable energy. Michael will also work 10 hours per week managing and expanding a light bulb replacement program in collaboration with the local advocacy organization, Rogue Climate and Energy Trust of Oregon. He will also manage the City of Talent’s internal energy efforts in six City‐owned facilities, working with staff across three departments and communicating the program’s progress to upper management and the public. Michael will think about creative and financially realistic ways to acquire more solar power on City properties.