Roseburg Has New Floodplain Map

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By KQEN News Radio 1240

The City of Roseburg Community Development Department has just created a new Floodplain Information Map:

A release said property owners, homebuyers, realtors and insurance agents can use the map to find floodplain-related documents needed for property sales and flood insurance purposes for properties in or near flood zones.

Community Development Director Stuart Cowie said the documents had already been on the City website. Cowie said locating the important documents and data online is now faster and simpler, thanks to an interactive web map that uses the cloud-based geographic information system mapping software from Esri called ArcGIS Online.

The release said the purpose of the map is to provide floodplain documents – such as elevation certificates or letters of map amendments – for existing houses or other buildings.

The Community Development Department hired RARE AmeriCorp member Kate Bentz to work for a year as a long-range planning assistant so she could tackle this and similar projects. She reworked the Floodplain Information webpage, which also contains a link to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program that provides information to property owners, renters and businesses.

Cowie said he hopes the new map can be a successful tool for realtors, insurance agents and the general public searching for important floodplain documents on specific properties within Roseburg.

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