Kendra Peterson
Title: Community Wellness Coordinator
Organization: Elkton Community Education Center
Community: Elkton
Population: 181
County Served: Douglas
Meet Kendra Peterson (she/her):
Kendra graduated from Oregon State University in 2022 with a B.S. in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. Born and raised in urban Oregon, she is eager to explore the rural side of her home state. With a strong science background, Kendra is excited to get out of her comfort zone and learn about rural health disparities through work in economic development and community engagement. She hopes to carry this unique experience and insight on rural health with her as she intends to pursue a career in dentistry. Activities she enjoys in her free time include hiking, biking, camping, watching sports, and going to the beach.
Community and Organization:
The Elkton Community Education Center (ECEC) is a year-round community center and a summer tourist destination located on the banks of the Umpqua River in rural Douglas County. The 30-acre site features a popular butterfly pavilion, life-size replica of a historic trading fort, native plant nursery, produce garden, seasonal cafe, library, recreational field and a native plant park. ECEC is recognized as the community’s primary cultural center, hosting various holiday and cultural events throughout the year. ECEC is made up of seven year-round staff members and over 100 volunteers. They also employ and provide job training for teens through their summer youth employment program. The mayor refers to ECEC as Elkton’s “informal chamber of commerce” because of the ways it brings local businesses together to organize events and attract tourists.
Elkton is a vibrant rural community, but the distance people travel for medical care is a barrier for older residents and people with limited incomes. To improve the community’s access to wellness services, Kendra will be working on ECEC’s new wellness initiative. She will be serving as Elkton’s Community Wellness Coordinator and working closely with a former clinic manager, who has been recruited as the Wellness Initiative Project Lead, on establishing and implementing various health and wellness projects. Kendra will be working to survey the needs and interests of residents, organize wellness activities, create marketing and evaluation materials, and help cultivate future funding partners.