Josh Dishman

RARE Member Joshua Dishman

Title: Rural Energy Coordinator
Organization: Lake County Resources Initiative
Community: Lakeview
Population: 2,418
County Served: Lake County

Meet Josh Dishman (he/him):

Josh Dishman comes to the RARE Program from Danville, Virginia. After finishing his degree, Josh decided that what he really wanted to do is work on the environment, in whatever way, shape, or form. He chose the RARE Program because he thought this would be the best opportunity to make his dream of getting a PhD in Climate Sciences and work at the UN on environmental policy. Josh is particularly interested in the applications of denitrifying bacteria in as a bioremediation solution for treating eutrophic waters (algal bloom laden waters). Excess nitrites and nitrates in water can encourage large algal blooms which can deoxygenate the water, killing most biological life in the water. This is most common in waters polluted in this way are waters that receive agricultural runoff. Josh would like to explore this topic in a masters or PhD.

Community and Organization:

Josh is serving Lakeview, Oregon and the greater Lake County at Lake County Resources Initiative (LCRI). The name of the organization is a bit of a misnomer given that he provides technical assistance in grant writing for any eligible rural small business and agricultural producer. This is funded mainly through the Renewable Energy Development Assistance (REDA) grant. Josh’s position provides technical assistance (TA) grant writing for the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).


Josh is almost exclusively working on technical assistance writing for rural small businesses and agricultural producers for the REAP grant. This grant provides up to 50% reimbursement for eligible energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy systems.