Doug Kean

Title: Downtown Development Coordinator
Organization: City of North Plains
Community: North Plains, OR
Population: 3,424
County Served: Washington County

Meet Doug Kean:

Douglas Kean grew up in Raleigh Hills, a western suburb of Portland, Oregon. He earned a BA in Public Policy, Planning, and Management from the University of Oregon, with a minor in Legal Studies. During summers, he worked various jobs: building green roofs on high rise towers in Downtown Portland, cleaning houses, and volunteering at a newly-started farmers market in Oakridge. He has a passion for analyzing multi-modal transportation and improving connectivity for those who don’t own a car. Cycling, rowing, and hiking are among his favorite activities.

Community and Organization:

Doug is a first year RARE serving in North Plains, a small city located in Washington County. The scope of his work will be within the areas of planning, economic development, and main street development. North Plains is facing a massive influx of new growth. As the city is working to properly accommodate that growth, Doug will use his seat at the table to ensure the benefits of said growth reach all the residents of North Plains.


As Downtown Development Coordinator for the City of North Plains, Doug’s goal is to provide both capacity and a fresh perspective to city staff while setting out on various self-directed projects. Projects like the North Plains Downtown Improvement Plan to revitalize the city’s historic downtown. In addition to the downtown plan, Doug is working with Washington County to replace inadequate bus stops with proper facilities and signage to improve the transit user experience. These projects, along with other smaller efforts, will bring both short-term and long-term positive changes and improvements to the city.