Eva Kahn

Email: ekahn@oregonfoodbank.org
Organization: Columbia Gorge Food Bank
Community: Columbia River Gorge
Population: 82,608
Counties: Wasco, Sherman, Hood River

Meet Eva Kahn:

Eva grew up in Portland, OR and Hood River, OR. She graduated from the University of Oregon in 2019 with a degree in Planning, Public Policy, and Management. In college, Eva was the coordinator of the University’s student community garden, studied sustainable development abroad in Ecuador, and completed an Honors Thesis on student farming. She has a passion for sustainable and equitable food systems, which is what brought her to the Columbia Gorge Food Bank and RARE. When she’s not working with food, Eva likes to ride her bike long distances, draw, listen to bluegrass, and revel in this beautiful state.

Community and Organization:

The Dalles sits on the banks of the Columbia River, straddling the border of Oregon and Washington. Most know the Columbia River Gorge for its astonishing beauty, the emerging tech and engineering industry, craft beer breweries, outdoor recreation opportunities, and fruit orchards. Despite all its glory, the Columbia Gorge struggles with similar issues facing many rural communities in Oregon. Economic disparity, lack of housing, poverty, and hunger pervade. Columbia Gorge Food Bank seeks to challenge hunger and its root causes across three counties (Hood River, Wasco, and Sherman). It partners with 25 agencies in the Gorge, distributing food to 33 sites. These sites directly assist people in need of food. The food bank also coordinates with the state network of food banks and works on regional-level policy and community issues relating to the root causes of hunger.


Eva assisted the food bank on a variety of projects, including opening two new school food pantries in Hood River County, a Harvest Share program at Hood River Valley Adult Center, and organized many community outreach events. She also be helped the food bank transition to an independent nonprofit entity by helping assemble a founding Board of Directors and helping write the 501(c)3. She coordinated the food bank’s volunteer program, developed its Disaster Plan, and supported work around housing security in The Dalles.