Max Baker
Title: Community Engagement Coordinator
Organization: Taste Newberg
Community: Newberg
Population: 25,477 (2021)
County Served: Yamhill County
Meet Max Baker:
Max is a native of Southern California and a 2021 graduate in Political Science from California State University Long Beach with a focus on Public Policy. He is passionate about understanding the inner workings of cities and towns and how we can build strong, resilient communities. With expertise in governance and a love for local community building, Max is dedicated to improving the dynamics that drive community growth and fostering collaborative environments within everyone’s neighborhoods.
Community and Organization:
Max is serving primarily with Taste Newberg, a destination management organization that acts as an online travel resource for those wanting to visit Newberg. He is also working closely with both the Chamber of Commerce as well as the Newberg Downtown Coalition, who are both involved in hosting events and promotions that are focused on improving quality of life for residents and businesses in Newberg.
His projects will be focused on engaging community members, especially nonprofits and local businesses, and helping them with outreach, funding requests, and community connections. He will accomplish this through hosting events and providing resources to help them reach their goals. Max will also be working on updating and improving information for all types of tourists from those visiting for wine tasting to those who are looking for outdoor experiences in the area and everyone else in between.