Natasha Blaircobb
Title: Economic Resilience Project Coordinator
Organization: Mid-Columbia Economic Development District
Community: Mid-Columbia Region
Population: 87,395
Counties Served: Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Klickitat and Skamania
Meet Natasha Blaircobb (she/her/hers):
Natasha recently graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science in Planning, Public Policy, and Management and a minor in Nonprofit Management. She will be working for Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (MCEDD) as their Economic Resilience Project Coordinator. After growing up on an organic farm in rural Wisconsin, Natasha is deeply passionate about addressing the complex economic and environmental obstacles facing rural areas. She hopes to help highlight the unique communities, skills, and experiences in the Mid-Columbia region. She is excited to experience the Columbia River Gorge and explore the natural beauty of rural Oregon. In her downtime Natasha enjoys playing tabletop games, spending time with her partner and 3-year-old cat, and participating in outdoor activities including biking and camping.
Community and Organization:
Mid-Columbia Economic Development District (MCEDD) is a regional, bi-state economic development district that supports the Mid-Columbia Gorge region of Oregon and Washington. The area MCEDD serves includes Klickitat and Skamania counties in Washington, Wasco, Hood River, and Sherman counties in Oregon, and parts of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. The Mid-Columbia region constitutes an area of approx. 7,289 square miles.
Natasha will be serving as MCEDD’s Economic Resilience Project Coordinator. In this role she will be helping to support an update of the region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), enhance regional economic resilience, and help reduce barriers to future recovery. Some of the projects she will be working on include the presentation of the 2021 Columbia Gorge Economic Symposium, implementation of local small business support, and addressing concerns of attainable housing in the region.