Alumni Network
The RARE AmeriCorps Program has 500+ alumni in a variety of fields including local, state, and federal government, renewable energy, tourism, higher education, public health, food banking, and non-profit management. We are always looking for ways to connect alumni to each other and to current members.
Interested in engaging with the RARE Alumni Network?
Contact us to find out how you can get involved!
Email: rarealum@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-632-3147
Sign Up For RARE Alumni Network Newletter
The goals of the RARE Alumni Network:
- Advocate for RARE
- Promote RARE’s Mission
- Promote RARE opportunities to prospective communities and organizational partners
- Promote RARE to potential RARE AmeriCorps Members
- Encourage state level support/legislative funding
- Provide learning and growth opportunities
- Announce and advertise job opportunities
- Facilitate mentoring and learning opportunities for RARE AmeriCorps Members
- Create a space to connect, network and serve
- Organize RARE Alumni gatherings by region
- Create a quarterly newsletter that keeps you up to date on RARE activities
- Access to special social media boards and announcement