Tidings from Titus | June 2024

Tidings from Titus graphic, featuring a head shot of smiling Titus!


RARE Family,

Sure hope this message finds all of you amazing individuals happy and healthy as we gear up for Summer Solstice and all of the wonder that lie ahead. There is never a dull moment here at the RARE AmeriCorps Program and I am personally excited to share a few programmatic updates that speak to the impactful work we are taking on.

I can’t help but start by giving a massive shoutout to this year’s cohort who continue to give their all to create catalytic change in the rural communities we serve. From reinvigorating a farmers market in Dallas, to helping wildfire impacted communities along the McKenzie River corridor recover, to supporting agricultural producers and small businesses who are interested in leveraging renewable energy technologies, this year’s cohort is clearly “getting things done”. For those who are interested in learning more about the impact this year’s cohort is having across rural Oregon, please make sure to check out our Stories from The Field blogpost series.

And just like that, we close in on the end of one service year and gear up for another. I am pleased to announce the RARE Team is currently work through this year’s placement process, all with the hopes of sending 35 passionate and driven individuals out to rural Oregon for a year of service. We have individuals coming from across the country who will be serving rural communities ranging from Enterprise to Bandon, from Lakeview to La Grande, etc. I am beyond excited about what the future has in store and can’t help but express a massive amount of gratitude to the RARE Team for all the love and intention they pour into our annual placement process. It’s clear to me that we are gearing up for another very impactful service year!

Lastly, I want to take a moment to thank all our wonderful alumni for the support that each of you have and continue to provide. It’s the people, our deep relationships, that have always been behind my love for the RARE AmeriCorps Program. Each of you have played a role in helping make this Program be the best it can be for our members and community partners. With that, I am excited to personally invite you to our 30 Year RARE Reunion that we are gearing up to host here in Eugene on August 3rd. As I reflect on my journey with the RARE AmeriCorps Program, the collective impact we have had across rural Oregon, all the wonderful people I have met along the way… it’s clear to me this network has a lot to celebrate!

Onward and Upward,

Titus Tomlinson, Years 13 & 16
RARE Program Director

Tidings from Titus | February 2024

Tidings from Titus graphic, featuring a head shot of smiling Titus!

Dearest RARE Family,

I sure hope this note finds each and every one of you kindhearted humans in the best of spirits as we settle into 2024 and all the wonder it will bring. If the beginning of your year has been anything like mine, well, it is already off to an exciting start!

It is a milestone year for the RARE AmeriCorps Program as we celebrate 30 years of giving back to rural Oregon. Such an accomplishment is absolutely cause for celebration. We are so excited to be hosting our RARE Family Reunion at Havenroot (just outside of Veneta) during the first weekend in August. Shoutout to our amazing Program Coordinator, Liz Gronert, and our wonderful planning committee who have been dedicating a ton of time and energy into the planning of this year’s RARE Family Reunion. I cannot wait to celebrate our longstanding legacy alongside fellow members of the RARE Family. We hope to see you onsite for what is bound to be fantastic time for all involved.

When I think about RARE’s legacy, it is the people we have impacted that matters most. As I reflect on my tenure with the RARE AmeriCorps Program, well, I cannot help but think of the countless lives that have been changed. First as a Member, then as Coordinator, and finally as Director, it is the people – members, site supervisors, and partners alike – that always keep me coming back for more. To those who I have had the honor of engaging with, please know that I hold our connection dear, and that each of you have a special place in my book.

As a network, as a family, may we find the ability to embrace all that life throws at us throughout the year ahead. May we harness the grit, tenacity, and dedication illustrated by our thirty-two active members, who are out there giving back on a daily basis. And may we never forget what our RARE experience taught us… Together we can make a difference!

P.S. – It is recruitment season here at RARE HQ and we could use your help spreading the good word! Please do so by sharing a copy of our flyer, passing along the link to our website, and/or sharing a social media post within someone who might benefit from serving with the RARE AmeriCorps Program 😊.

In Service,

Titus Tomlinson, Years 13 & 16
RARE Program Director