Charlie Johann

RARE Member Charlie Johann

Title: Assistant Community Engagement & Project Coordinator
Organization: City of Silverton
Community: Silverton
Population: 10,500
County Served: Marion County

Meet Charlie Johann (he/him):

Charlie was born and raised on the front range of Colorado where he watched as rural and agricultural lands grew rapidly into the urban center it is today. He attended Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado where he studied Economics with a minor in Philosophy. During his time as an undergraduate, he led multiple studies examining the housing market of Colorado and what tools city planners should use to manage the housing shortage. Charlie has a background in Entrepreneurship, economic development and housing innovation. He loves getting outside to mountain bike, ski, climb and more whenever he can.

Community and Organization:

Silverton is known as Oregon’s garden city and is home to over 10,000 citizens. The township is located on the ancestorial lands of the Molalla, Santiam and Kalapuya people who inhabited the area for generations prior to the arrival of European settlers. Settlers arrived in the 1800s seeking timber and waterpower and were eventually incorporated in 1885. In 1933, Silver Falls State Park was set aside to preserve the area’s natural beauty. Later in the 1990’s, Oregon Garden opened and was an instant hit with visitors, these two sites have become significant attractants significantly growing the tourism economy for Silverton.


During his time with Silverton, Charlie will help update Silverton’s comprehensive plan to renew the vision and goals for the city. He will begin implementation of policy and design suggestions made by the University of Oregon’s Sustainable City Year program. He will execute a business retention and expansion survey to understand what limits and opportunities currently exist for business in the city and what policy goals can be achieved to help local businesses meet these goals. Lastly, he will develop an urban forest management plan to provide guidance on maintaining and improving the urban forest in Silverton.