Kieran Turnbull

RARE Member Kieran TurnbullEmail:
Title: Mass Timber Coordinator
Organization: Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD)
Chiloquin, Clatsop County, Creswell, Gates, Lincoln City, Mt. Vernon, Phoenix, Rufus, Sandy, and Talent
Population: N/A
Counties Served: Clatsop, Marion, Lincoln, Jackson, Sherman, Grant, Klamath, and Clackamas

Meet Kieran Turnbull:

Kieran has grown up and lived in Oregon for most of his life. In the Spring of 2023, he graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in business, focusing on statistics and operations. Much of his past professional experience focused on accounting and data analytics. He joined RARE because he has always been curious about the field of planning and development.

Community and Organization:

The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) is a small state agency that supports local governments and other state and federal agencies with land use needs. The department has the responsibility of “managing urban growth; protecting farm and forest lands, coastal areas, and natural resource lands; and providing for safe, livable communities in concert with the vision of the local communities”.

Through a DLCD project, Kieran will be working with ten jurisdictions to update their local code. The ten jurisdictions who have been selected to receive technical assistance are: Chiloquin, Clatsop County, Creswell, Gates, Lincoln City, Mt. Vernon, Phoenix, Rufus, Sandy, and Talent.


Through the Build Back Better Regional Challenge, the U.S. Economic Development Administration awarded the Oregon Mass Timber Coalition (OMTC) $41.4 million to develop and expand Oregon’s emerging Mass Timber industry, with an emphasis on utilizing mass timber products in prefabricated/modular home construction. The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) is utilizing funding through this grant to help cities update and modernize local development codes to encourage the use of mass timber modular housing. Kieran will help coordinate and provide capacity in local planning commission and city council work sessions and adoption hearings.