Tidings from Titus – August 2021

Photo of Program Director, Titus Tomlinson, pointing at the RARE logo on the back of his t-shirt

Dearest RARE Family, 

Sure hope this message finds all of you amazing individuals happy and healthy! Busy and exciting times here at the RARE AmeriCorps Program as we celebrate the accomplishments of last year’s cohort, all while gearing up for our 28th year of service. With so much positive change taking place, well, there certainly is no lack of great news to share with all of you movers and shakers.  

As we move towards the future let us not forget the past, which is why I want to start with a round of gratitude and recognition to those who gave their all to support rural Oregon throughout the 2020-21 service year. This last service year was one for the books, having kicked it all off in the midst of a global pandemic and an array of catastrophic wildfires. I had my concerns during the first few weeks of service, only to be reminded time-and-time again that our members can do anything they set their mind to, regardless of the circumstances. Despite the countless challenges thrown at last year’s cohort, they stood strong, rising to the occasion for rural Oregon every step of the way. I couldn’t be prouder of their individual and collective accomplishments.   

Speaking of gratitude and recognition, we somehow were lucky enough to finally get to spend a few days in person with our current members on the beautiful McKenzie River at our annual End of Service Retreat. And of course, we couldn’t help but also invite the 2019-20 cohort, given they missed out on getting to attend last year (due to COVID). The event took place at the end of July and I am still overflowing with joy having gotten to spend some quality time with those who were able to attend. It’s so important that we take the time to recognize our members for all they give throughout the service year; thanking my lucky stars we got the opportunity to do so. Talk about some much-needed closure for all involved!   

And just like that, we come to the close of one service year and gear up for another. Jazzed to announce that we are well on our way to kicking off the 2021-22 service year. Per usual, we have individuals coming from across the country who will be serving rural communities ranging from Enterprise to Bandon, from Lakeview to Pendleton, etc. I am beyond excited about what the future has in store.  Thanks to the hard work of the RARE Team, it’s clear to me that we are gearing up for what I am sure will be yet another very impactful service year!  

Lastly, I want to take a moment to thank you all for the support that each of you have and continue to provide. It’s the people, the relationships, that have always been at the root of RARE. Each of you help make RARE what it is today, a Program that changes lives while delivering critical capacity to rural Oregon.  

Onward and Upward, 

Titus Tomlinson, Years 13 & 16
RARE Program Director