RARE Program Assistant has been hired!

Members posing for a goofy photo

Big News! We’ve Hired!

RARE Supervisors and Members:

I am pleased to announce that we have hired Ken Ward as our new Program Assistant! Ken comes to us with a Bachelor’s in Journalism from the University of Oregon and several years of experience within the software development arena. In addition, he is a 2x AmeriCorps Alum, bringing a strong passion for service to the table. It’s already clear that Ken is committed to helping make the RARE AC Program the best it can be for our members, supervisors, and the communities we serve. In Ken’s free time, he’s often reading books, longboarding, or enjoying a solid day hike in the great outdoors. We already feel like Ken is a stellar fit for the job at hand and are extremely excited to have him on the team!

Yesterday was Ken’s first day on the job and he is already excited to start engaging with you folks. I encourage you to reach out to Ken directly if you are interested in learning more about this amazing human.

Please join me in welcoming Ken to the team!


Titus Tomlinson, Program Director